Survey Outreach Tips
The Survey Outreach Tips provides suggestions, strategies, tactics, and tools for survey outreach efforts and planning.
Take the time to plan
Outline milestones
Develop a timeline
Create support materials
Target key audiences that are not being reached
Identify and empower partners
Communicate regularly with stakeholders
Identify and leverage existing promotional activities and events
Include call to action and clear pathways for taking action
Measure and Adjust:
As you continue to move through your survey period, observe your campaign
and expand tactics that have given the best results.
Spread the Word:
Collaborating with community organizations and local leaders who can serve as champions and promotional partners are a great resource for creating outreach plans and promotional activities and events that connect with your communities.
Social Media Posts:
(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram SnapChat, Reddit, LinkedIn, Etsy, etc.)
Doña Ana County has launched the New Mexico Connectivity Survey. Help us identify Internet connectivity gaps in our community by taking the 5-minute survey at and help our community get better connected!
Help Doña Ana County'’s families and homes get better connected. Take the NMConnectivitySurvey and let us know your Internet connection needs and reliability. Visit the 5-minute survey at
Doña Ana County has Internet connectivity gaps that keep people in our community from being able to easily and efficiently access services like telehealth, remote learning and remote work. Help us find the gaps in our community by visiting and taking the 5-minute survey.
Doña Ana County needs your help finding the areas of our community that need better high-speed Internet service. Visit the 5-minute survey at
Doña Ana County students and teachers need better high- speed Internet and we need help finding the unserved and underserved areas in our community. Please help by taking the 5-minute survey at today and help our community get better connected.
When posting, be sure to use the hashtag #
Many municipalities, businesses, utilities, and community organizations often deliver mail to citizens in the form of billing notices, community bulletins, advertisements, tax notices, etc. Come back in the spring to check out the 3x5.25" Survey Mailer insert that you can download and print from our website and include it in your community’s mailings, such as utility bills, school board notices, library notices, church bulletins, etc.
The Survey handout is a great educational resource to share with local leaders, key elected officials, community organizations, stakeholders, and partners, Come back in the spring to download and share the full-sized Survey Handout.
Download, distribute and share the 8.5 x 11 inches Survey Flyer around your community in libraries, coffee shops, schools, places of worship, and other central community hubs. Hang the flyer up in your community and take a photo and post it on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, send it to us via email or share it with us by using the hashtag #
Websites are an important tool for informing, educating, and inspiring the community. Promoting the survey on your website or inviting stakeholders and partner organizations to promote the Survey on their websites can help expand awareness, encourage engagement, and build credibility.
Emails and Enews:
Engaging your citizens through email and E-news is an excellent way to inform them about the survey. Share the Survey with organizations who might be willing to promote the Survey through their own email lists or regular e-news Reach out to camp organizers, community centers, schools, agencies, faith-based organizations, non-profit and for-profit entities who might be willing to send a call-to-action to their email lists.
Present the Survey as part of online and virtual meetings
of partners, stakeholders, or community organizations.
Computer Station:
In addition to sharing postcards, mailers, and flyers with community members, a computer can be designated or set up at in a library , school, agency, computer lab, or community center for visitors to use to complete their survey online, with. Just be sure to clean the computer between uses and follow proper social distancing and public health guidelines.
Potential Partners:
business organizations
chambers of commerce
charitable organizations
homeowner’s associations
faith-based organizations
community service organizations and agencies
elected officials
news outlets
Materials (Check Back in the Spring for Downloadable PDFs):
Social Media Posts
Hashtag #
Press Release
Email and Enews
Computer Station
and more
Take the time to plan
Outline milestones
Develop a timeline
Create support materials
Target key audiences that are not being reached
Identify and empower partners
Communicate regularly with stakeholders
Identify and leverage existing promotional activities and events
Include call to action and clear pathways for taking action
Measure and Adjust:
As you continue to move through your survey period, observe your campaign
and expand tactics that have given the best results.
Spread the Word:
Collaborating with community organizations and local leaders who can serve as champions and promotional partners are a great resource for creating outreach plans and promotional activities and events that connect with your communities.
Social Media Posts:
(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram SnapChat, Reddit, LinkedIn, Etsy, etc.)
Doña Ana County has launched the New Mexico Connectivity Survey. Help us identify Internet connectivity gaps in our community by taking the 5-minute survey at and help our community get better connected!
Help Doña Ana County'’s families and homes get better connected. Take the NMConnectivitySurvey and let us know your Internet connection needs and reliability. Visit the 5-minute survey at
Doña Ana County has Internet connectivity gaps that keep people in our community from being able to easily and efficiently access services like telehealth, remote learning and remote work. Help us find the gaps in our community by visiting and taking the 5-minute survey.
Doña Ana County needs your help finding the areas of our community that need better high-speed Internet service. Visit the 5-minute survey at
Doña Ana County students and teachers need better high- speed Internet and we need help finding the unserved and underserved areas in our community. Please help by taking the 5-minute survey at today and help our community get better connected.
When posting, be sure to use the hashtag #
Many municipalities, businesses, utilities, and community organizations often deliver mail to citizens in the form of billing notices, community bulletins, advertisements, tax notices, etc. Come back in the spring to check out the 3x5.25" Survey Mailer insert that you can download and print from our website and include it in your community’s mailings, such as utility bills, school board notices, library notices, church bulletins, etc.
The Survey handout is a great educational resource to share with local leaders, key elected officials, community organizations, stakeholders, and partners, Come back in the spring to download and share the full-sized Survey Handout.
Download, distribute and share the 8.5 x 11 inches Survey Flyer around your community in libraries, coffee shops, schools, places of worship, and other central community hubs. Hang the flyer up in your community and take a photo and post it on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, send it to us via email or share it with us by using the hashtag #
Websites are an important tool for informing, educating, and inspiring the community. Promoting the survey on your website or inviting stakeholders and partner organizations to promote the Survey on their websites can help expand awareness, encourage engagement, and build credibility.
Emails and Enews:
Engaging your citizens through email and E-news is an excellent way to inform them about the survey. Share the Survey with organizations who might be willing to promote the Survey through their own email lists or regular e-news Reach out to camp organizers, community centers, schools, agencies, faith-based organizations, non-profit and for-profit entities who might be willing to send a call-to-action to their email lists.
Present the Survey as part of online and virtual meetings
of partners, stakeholders, or community organizations.
Computer Station:
In addition to sharing postcards, mailers, and flyers with community members, a computer can be designated or set up at in a library , school, agency, computer lab, or community center for visitors to use to complete their survey online, with. Just be sure to clean the computer between uses and follow proper social distancing and public health guidelines.
Potential Partners:
business organizations
chambers of commerce
charitable organizations
homeowner’s associations
faith-based organizations
community service organizations and agencies
elected officials
news outlets
Materials (Check Back in the Spring for Downloadable PDFs):
Social Media Posts
Hashtag #
Press Release
Email and Enews
Computer Station
and more