A Collective Journey of Reconciliation, Re-membering, and Re-Union
Europe & US
April 21 through May 15, 2016
Traditional Indigenous women from Canada, the United States, Mexico, South America,
Africa, Indonesia, India and Australia hosted events in multiple locations in Europe including:
Devon, England
the Cathar region in southern France
the Berlin area in Germany
and the Rome area in Italy
plus Scotland and the US!
April 21 through May 15, 2016
Traditional Indigenous women from Canada, the United States, Mexico, South America,
Africa, Indonesia, India and Australia hosted events in multiple locations in Europe including:
Devon, England
the Cathar region in southern France
the Berlin area in Germany
and the Rome area in Italy
plus Scotland and the US!
2017 - Dialogues
February 21-22 - Lama Foundation Taos, NM
March 24-26 - Asheville, NC
March 27-April 5 - Ireleand
April 10-17 - Scotland
April 23 - An Evening with Martin Shaw, Totnes
April 24-28 - Schumacher College, Devon, Englad
May 19-26 - New Mexico Pachamama Journey
February 21-22 - Lama Foundation Taos, NM
March 24-26 - Asheville, NC
March 27-April 5 - Ireleand
April 10-17 - Scotland
April 23 - An Evening with Martin Shaw, Totnes
April 24-28 - Schumacher College, Devon, Englad
May 19-26 - New Mexico Pachamama Journey
South Africa
November - December, 2018
With all good thoughts, for Life, Light and Love, and the upholding of the profound honor of being Human Being,
for the next Seven Generations of all life, facilitated by
Weyakpa Najin Win, Woman Stands Shining, Pat McCabe
November - December, 2018
With all good thoughts, for Life, Light and Love, and the upholding of the profound honor of being Human Being,
for the next Seven Generations of all life, facilitated by
Weyakpa Najin Win, Woman Stands Shining, Pat McCabe
About: A Letter from Pat
Through a series of vivid visions occurring over almost a year’s span, it was made known to me, in some detail, that what was named as an “Archetypal Wounding of Humanity” can be healed. As with all true healing, it begins at the origin, at the root, in the Spiritual or energetic realm. In this case it begins with ceremony. This ceremony is, above all, a Reconciliation and a Re-Membering, an opportunity for Reunion between the Masculine and the Feminine, between Men’s Nation and Women’s Nation, and between the artificial separation between Indigenous and European descended. In other words, this proposed ceremony is a possibility for Thriving Life Design to become fully functional within our humanity once again, throughout this world and along the lines of time.
The Archetypal Wounding I speak of occurred during the 200+ years of the so-called “Witch Hunts” which took place throughout Europe, and eventually were brought to what is now known as the United States. Its legacy continues to manifest as deep misunderstanding about our Masculine and Feminine nature and as a war between Men and Women, the underlying components of literal Creation. With this wound so active in our deepest center, it will be difficult to meet this time of transformation, evolution and change as a species. How do we create ourselves anew when our understanding of our masculine and feminine nature – within which lie our procreative abilities - are misaligned to the point of being disabled?
A Re-membering process was also shown to me, at first to save my own life, but then expanded to show specific steps for addressing this wounding of humanity. It involves calling upon Indigenous women, from around the world, to come and speak the Truth of “who the Woman truly is.” This is to be spoken from the reality of what many Indigenous peoples know as “the Original Instructions.” These instructions were given to Peoples throughout the Earth by Spiritual means.
By asking these women to speak from this Truth from their people’s knowledge, and then together spiritually anchoring our Re-membering in ceremony, I was told, that we can initiate the deep reconciliation of the separations that took place in Europe and that still deeply affect our European sisters and brothers in particular, but the rest of humanity as well. “Then together you will turn to heal Men’s Nation.” What is being offered is a healing taking place at humanity’s very core.
While I feel absolutely clear on the truth and the power of what was shown to me, and on the way these ceremonies will transpire, I also am very clear that it will take a great recognition and opening on the part of many, many people from very different cultures and life-paths to see this potential, this possibility, be fulfilled. But maybe that is exactly as it should be. Prophesy said that one day the world would get lost, and that it would hunger for the Truth of Thriving Life once again, and at that time, the pieces of the Original Instructions, that had been safeguarded for all this time, would be brought out once again. I always felt that those prophesies were distant and nebulous, I could not really imagine what they would look and feel like in the modern world. Perhaps, they would look and feel like this.
Many choices lay ahead for each of us. Things cannot remain the same even if we wanted them to, though feeling our misdirection and the restlessness of the inevitable upon us, many of us would not have them remain the same at this point anyway. The fork of radical action will come to each of us at some point now. Acting on this possibility of great portent, heart and soul, is that fork for me and for several others at this time. I can see my whole life has been a preparation for this possibility. My spiritual guidance has impressed upon me that my understanding of cause and effect from modern world perspective is “rudimentary.” I asked to be opened to the other possibilities that I, as human being, am capable of reaching for. Receiving and acting on this guidance is a response to a Cause and Effect that has slowly and steadily been coming into my awareness and actions.
With all good thoughts, for Life, Light and Love, and the upholding of the profound honor of being Human Being, for the next Seven Generations of all life,
Weyakpa Najin Win, Woman Stands Shining,
Pat McCabe
Through a series of vivid visions occurring over almost a year’s span, it was made known to me, in some detail, that what was named as an “Archetypal Wounding of Humanity” can be healed. As with all true healing, it begins at the origin, at the root, in the Spiritual or energetic realm. In this case it begins with ceremony. This ceremony is, above all, a Reconciliation and a Re-Membering, an opportunity for Reunion between the Masculine and the Feminine, between Men’s Nation and Women’s Nation, and between the artificial separation between Indigenous and European descended. In other words, this proposed ceremony is a possibility for Thriving Life Design to become fully functional within our humanity once again, throughout this world and along the lines of time.
The Archetypal Wounding I speak of occurred during the 200+ years of the so-called “Witch Hunts” which took place throughout Europe, and eventually were brought to what is now known as the United States. Its legacy continues to manifest as deep misunderstanding about our Masculine and Feminine nature and as a war between Men and Women, the underlying components of literal Creation. With this wound so active in our deepest center, it will be difficult to meet this time of transformation, evolution and change as a species. How do we create ourselves anew when our understanding of our masculine and feminine nature – within which lie our procreative abilities - are misaligned to the point of being disabled?
A Re-membering process was also shown to me, at first to save my own life, but then expanded to show specific steps for addressing this wounding of humanity. It involves calling upon Indigenous women, from around the world, to come and speak the Truth of “who the Woman truly is.” This is to be spoken from the reality of what many Indigenous peoples know as “the Original Instructions.” These instructions were given to Peoples throughout the Earth by Spiritual means.
By asking these women to speak from this Truth from their people’s knowledge, and then together spiritually anchoring our Re-membering in ceremony, I was told, that we can initiate the deep reconciliation of the separations that took place in Europe and that still deeply affect our European sisters and brothers in particular, but the rest of humanity as well. “Then together you will turn to heal Men’s Nation.” What is being offered is a healing taking place at humanity’s very core.
While I feel absolutely clear on the truth and the power of what was shown to me, and on the way these ceremonies will transpire, I also am very clear that it will take a great recognition and opening on the part of many, many people from very different cultures and life-paths to see this potential, this possibility, be fulfilled. But maybe that is exactly as it should be. Prophesy said that one day the world would get lost, and that it would hunger for the Truth of Thriving Life once again, and at that time, the pieces of the Original Instructions, that had been safeguarded for all this time, would be brought out once again. I always felt that those prophesies were distant and nebulous, I could not really imagine what they would look and feel like in the modern world. Perhaps, they would look and feel like this.
Many choices lay ahead for each of us. Things cannot remain the same even if we wanted them to, though feeling our misdirection and the restlessness of the inevitable upon us, many of us would not have them remain the same at this point anyway. The fork of radical action will come to each of us at some point now. Acting on this possibility of great portent, heart and soul, is that fork for me and for several others at this time. I can see my whole life has been a preparation for this possibility. My spiritual guidance has impressed upon me that my understanding of cause and effect from modern world perspective is “rudimentary.” I asked to be opened to the other possibilities that I, as human being, am capable of reaching for. Receiving and acting on this guidance is a response to a Cause and Effect that has slowly and steadily been coming into my awareness and actions.
With all good thoughts, for Life, Light and Love, and the upholding of the profound honor of being Human Being, for the next Seven Generations of all life,
Weyakpa Najin Win, Woman Stands Shining,
Pat McCabe
A Few More Words from Pat: "Alignment and Intention"
Relatives of the North, Relatives of the South, Relatives of the East. Relatives of the West, Holy One at the Center
Flying Ones, Swimming Ones, Creepy-Crawly Ones, Four-Legged Ones, Five-Fingered Ones, Standing Nation, Stone People, Holy Water of Life
All of the Hoop of Life, I am reaching out to you on this Holy Day! A perfect gift, I believe, sent with such Love and such Care for each of Us and for the Oneness that we are all together. I greet you all this way because what has been proposed, this possibility for a Re-Union, a Reconciliation and Re-Membering ourselves to the Truth, is for the blessing and benefit of all. I am answering this radical proposal with the intention of service to Life Light and Love, for all beings, in all dimensions and at all times. I thank you for also responding to this radical proposal along side of me.
My first steps in this answering were quaking and had to be made with eyes closed and summoning any and all that I have been given, within and without, to move towards this possibility at all, and there was still a huge gap between all that I had, and all that was needed to answer this call, so it seemed. So this has been a time of deep and rapid growth in Faith and willingness for me, of acknowledging the deep need for community. To take a step out of the long history of violence and terror, and the suppression and numbing and isolation it has fostered in me, is the most vulnerable I have ever felt. Yet, to not make that attempt, being reminded of all that I was reminded of, was a deeper horror that I could not face.
My smallest first actions were met immediately with huge support. My heart sank as it became clear that this was not impossible. My bluff got called. Even after the first trembling steps were so thoroughly met, I had to give myself permission to turn away from this possibility, to let go, and say, yes, I do see it, but it is not for me to answer that call, I have come to my limit. And again, I did not know how I would be able to live with myself after such a turning away. But forcing myself forward, this lack of compassion for self, was not the way to meet this either. So I had to first feel, clearly, how I would live with myself if I chose to turn away, really love myself if I decided to turn away, how I would live a Thriving Life if I chose to let this all go. And once I had found this home for myself in my own heart, suddenly I could feel that I could, and would, answer this call, step by step, not alone, but with you.
I reveal this process to you because it would mean a lot to me for you to understand fully how very human a messenger I am in this Spiritual adventure! I still pause and feel and hark… I am confronted with all of my conditioning – and I was so sure that I was free of any of it! – about the role of “Indigenous Peoples” and… who? Who is this “other” I have heard so much about for all of my life? If I have offended anyone with this old habit of thought and speech, I tell you I regret it. My own heart, moving into reconciliation, has less and less tolerance to be a contributor to further separation. But at times my mind still moves in that way. I have to consciously catch myself at it, and bring it to kneel before my heart, which is also the heart of Creator and Creation. I know something very powerful is taking place both within me and in the moving world around me because my mind, proud, sure, brilliant (ha!), has found, through this calling, a willingness to kneel. I have never known her to be so willing in this way. This can only be a good thing.
So it appears that this is not, as I understand it at this point, a rescue mission by Indigenous women coming to “save the day” in Europe (I’m sure some of you realized this a long time ago), rather, this is, perhaps, a rescue mission on the part of this Mother Earth and Creator to reach out and touch their Children with Sacred Counsel that they gave to us all once before, a very long time ago. The composite we are building, all of us together with our gathering, is a Medicine that feeds each one. I think some of what will be spoken or sung or danced will at moments feel very familiar to our own daily lives, our practices, and at other moments will feel as if it has never ever happened before. Perhaps, distant memory will awaken, in us, and in this sweet Mother Earth, and in the Holy Star People also, who have been watching this story unfold since the very beginning.
We are coming to drink from a Sacred Common Well, perhaps a Holy Grail, that is being Created by our meeting at the center with a willing heart and willing mind, listening with respect for ourselves and each other, for the Ancient guidance of our Mother. I am told this Holy drink will give us an opportunity to wash away the burden of lies that we have been told, that rest in our bones and flesh, and that we also have perhaps begun to repeat, so that we can have the chance to live in the Source of clear sweet waters of Truth, of Thriving Life. These are only words giving a clumsy and pale reflection of the actual offering and possibilities that are proposed. Trust your own knowing to tell you what this is.
Let us meet with willingness, courage and strength, with humility and openness, with what we have, no more and no less, trusting that it is more than enough, to see what Spirit has for us as Blessing. Together let us uphold the Honor of being Human Being by saying, yes, we are willing to reach inside, to reach out to each other, and to reach out for the hand of Life Light and Love. Let our work, our offerings, our faith in the face of the unknown, speak our willingness and desire to Creator and Creation:
We want to Live.
In gratitude,
For All My Relations
and the Continuing Story of Creation
that we, all of us together,
are telling, right now,
Weyakpa Najin Win
Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe)
Flying Ones, Swimming Ones, Creepy-Crawly Ones, Four-Legged Ones, Five-Fingered Ones, Standing Nation, Stone People, Holy Water of Life
All of the Hoop of Life, I am reaching out to you on this Holy Day! A perfect gift, I believe, sent with such Love and such Care for each of Us and for the Oneness that we are all together. I greet you all this way because what has been proposed, this possibility for a Re-Union, a Reconciliation and Re-Membering ourselves to the Truth, is for the blessing and benefit of all. I am answering this radical proposal with the intention of service to Life Light and Love, for all beings, in all dimensions and at all times. I thank you for also responding to this radical proposal along side of me.
My first steps in this answering were quaking and had to be made with eyes closed and summoning any and all that I have been given, within and without, to move towards this possibility at all, and there was still a huge gap between all that I had, and all that was needed to answer this call, so it seemed. So this has been a time of deep and rapid growth in Faith and willingness for me, of acknowledging the deep need for community. To take a step out of the long history of violence and terror, and the suppression and numbing and isolation it has fostered in me, is the most vulnerable I have ever felt. Yet, to not make that attempt, being reminded of all that I was reminded of, was a deeper horror that I could not face.
My smallest first actions were met immediately with huge support. My heart sank as it became clear that this was not impossible. My bluff got called. Even after the first trembling steps were so thoroughly met, I had to give myself permission to turn away from this possibility, to let go, and say, yes, I do see it, but it is not for me to answer that call, I have come to my limit. And again, I did not know how I would be able to live with myself after such a turning away. But forcing myself forward, this lack of compassion for self, was not the way to meet this either. So I had to first feel, clearly, how I would live with myself if I chose to turn away, really love myself if I decided to turn away, how I would live a Thriving Life if I chose to let this all go. And once I had found this home for myself in my own heart, suddenly I could feel that I could, and would, answer this call, step by step, not alone, but with you.
I reveal this process to you because it would mean a lot to me for you to understand fully how very human a messenger I am in this Spiritual adventure! I still pause and feel and hark… I am confronted with all of my conditioning – and I was so sure that I was free of any of it! – about the role of “Indigenous Peoples” and… who? Who is this “other” I have heard so much about for all of my life? If I have offended anyone with this old habit of thought and speech, I tell you I regret it. My own heart, moving into reconciliation, has less and less tolerance to be a contributor to further separation. But at times my mind still moves in that way. I have to consciously catch myself at it, and bring it to kneel before my heart, which is also the heart of Creator and Creation. I know something very powerful is taking place both within me and in the moving world around me because my mind, proud, sure, brilliant (ha!), has found, through this calling, a willingness to kneel. I have never known her to be so willing in this way. This can only be a good thing.
So it appears that this is not, as I understand it at this point, a rescue mission by Indigenous women coming to “save the day” in Europe (I’m sure some of you realized this a long time ago), rather, this is, perhaps, a rescue mission on the part of this Mother Earth and Creator to reach out and touch their Children with Sacred Counsel that they gave to us all once before, a very long time ago. The composite we are building, all of us together with our gathering, is a Medicine that feeds each one. I think some of what will be spoken or sung or danced will at moments feel very familiar to our own daily lives, our practices, and at other moments will feel as if it has never ever happened before. Perhaps, distant memory will awaken, in us, and in this sweet Mother Earth, and in the Holy Star People also, who have been watching this story unfold since the very beginning.
We are coming to drink from a Sacred Common Well, perhaps a Holy Grail, that is being Created by our meeting at the center with a willing heart and willing mind, listening with respect for ourselves and each other, for the Ancient guidance of our Mother. I am told this Holy drink will give us an opportunity to wash away the burden of lies that we have been told, that rest in our bones and flesh, and that we also have perhaps begun to repeat, so that we can have the chance to live in the Source of clear sweet waters of Truth, of Thriving Life. These are only words giving a clumsy and pale reflection of the actual offering and possibilities that are proposed. Trust your own knowing to tell you what this is.
Let us meet with willingness, courage and strength, with humility and openness, with what we have, no more and no less, trusting that it is more than enough, to see what Spirit has for us as Blessing. Together let us uphold the Honor of being Human Being by saying, yes, we are willing to reach inside, to reach out to each other, and to reach out for the hand of Life Light and Love. Let our work, our offerings, our faith in the face of the unknown, speak our willingness and desire to Creator and Creation:
We want to Live.
In gratitude,
For All My Relations
and the Continuing Story of Creation
that we, all of us together,
are telling, right now,
Weyakpa Najin Win
Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe)
A Few More Words From Pat: "Cause and Effect”
It’s me Weyakpa Najin Win, Woman Stands Shining, coming to you on this Holy Day, to speak to you about a great healing possibility for Humanity, and so also for the Hoop of Life. We have the opportunity to heal what the Holy People have called, “An Archetypal Wounding of Humanity” that was a turning point for Human Nature. First, I want to explain a bit about the origins of this proposal.
My Teachers have been saying to me for some time now that my “understanding of Cause and Effect is rudimentary!” So I ask them to teach me, to help me to open to the greater possibilities of Cause and Effect.
First they ask me to consider the ramifications of the truth that “all times are the same time, all times are happening at the same time. If this is the truth, what is possible?” they ask.
Then they ask me to accept into my deepest reality that all things begin in energy, in vibration, before they ever manifest into the physical. By the time they enter into the physical realm they have been vibrating for a long time in the energetic field, and growing stronger and stronger in frequency.
Then they emphasize that everything is governed by the “Free-Will clause.” Nothing can happen without our free-will giving permission. So this means that the world we are living in has come about with our permission. “You can have it any way that you want it,” they say. “Right now, the sum-total of your actions say that this is exactly how you want it.”
Now they emphasize that there is no “right” and no “wrong” involved with the healing that is proposed. There is only choice. If we love Life, if we want to live as we say that we do, and we want all of our relations to live also, then we must make new choices, we must give our free-will to a different direction.
Finally, they speak of what some of us call “karma.” “Karma,” they say, occurs when one being’s free-will attempts to overcome the free-will of another. Sooner or later this faulty equation must be reconciled, and in fact this can take what we know as lifetimes to be rectified. A secondary treachery of this karmic situation is that the over-powered stands every chance of creating more karma by insisting on revenge and retribution, responding to violence and atrocity with violence and atrocity, creating a never ending cycle and ruling out any possibility for applying free-will to choose something new.
A key element of these gatherings is that we come with the full intention of Reconciliation and Re-Union, Re-Membering ourselves to Thriving Life, willing to release all requirements of retribution and separation.
In gratitude,
For All My Relations
and the Continuing Story of Creation
that we, all of us together,
are telling, right now,
Weyakpa Najin Win
Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe)
It’s me Weyakpa Najin Win, Woman Stands Shining, coming to you on this Holy Day, to speak to you about a great healing possibility for Humanity, and so also for the Hoop of Life. We have the opportunity to heal what the Holy People have called, “An Archetypal Wounding of Humanity” that was a turning point for Human Nature. First, I want to explain a bit about the origins of this proposal.
My Teachers have been saying to me for some time now that my “understanding of Cause and Effect is rudimentary!” So I ask them to teach me, to help me to open to the greater possibilities of Cause and Effect.
First they ask me to consider the ramifications of the truth that “all times are the same time, all times are happening at the same time. If this is the truth, what is possible?” they ask.
Then they ask me to accept into my deepest reality that all things begin in energy, in vibration, before they ever manifest into the physical. By the time they enter into the physical realm they have been vibrating for a long time in the energetic field, and growing stronger and stronger in frequency.
Then they emphasize that everything is governed by the “Free-Will clause.” Nothing can happen without our free-will giving permission. So this means that the world we are living in has come about with our permission. “You can have it any way that you want it,” they say. “Right now, the sum-total of your actions say that this is exactly how you want it.”
Now they emphasize that there is no “right” and no “wrong” involved with the healing that is proposed. There is only choice. If we love Life, if we want to live as we say that we do, and we want all of our relations to live also, then we must make new choices, we must give our free-will to a different direction.
Finally, they speak of what some of us call “karma.” “Karma,” they say, occurs when one being’s free-will attempts to overcome the free-will of another. Sooner or later this faulty equation must be reconciled, and in fact this can take what we know as lifetimes to be rectified. A secondary treachery of this karmic situation is that the over-powered stands every chance of creating more karma by insisting on revenge and retribution, responding to violence and atrocity with violence and atrocity, creating a never ending cycle and ruling out any possibility for applying free-will to choose something new.
A key element of these gatherings is that we come with the full intention of Reconciliation and Re-Union, Re-Membering ourselves to Thriving Life, willing to release all requirements of retribution and separation.
In gratitude,
For All My Relations
and the Continuing Story of Creation
that we, all of us together,
are telling, right now,
Weyakpa Najin Win
Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe)