Native Artists Panel
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
@ 11:00 AM MST
SWAIA Native Artists featured:
Michelle Sisneros -Fashion Designer from Santa Clara Pueblo
Steve Larance and Marian Denipah from Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo
In 2020 our community relationships were the threads that helped all of us navigate the unexpected challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. CommUNITY Learning Network and the Pueblo Connect project supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) teamed with Southwestern Association for Indian Arts (SWAIA) when the annual Indian Market in Santa Fe was canceled due the pandemic, and SWAIA moved to an entirely virtual market for the first time. This meant that indigenous artists, across the country, had a short time to build out individual websites, something that many artists had little to no experience in. Community Learning Network and the Pueblo Connect project mobilized, trained, and managed a team of more than 40 interns and volunteers to work one-to-one with the SWAIA artists to help them build, launch, and manage their own website.
The Native Artists Panel, part of the official Global Entrepreneurship Week, was hosted virtually via Zoom. During this discussion, three artists from Santa Clara and Ohkay Owingeh pueblos in New Mexico joined a group of interested learners and familiar faces to discuss their personal stories and how they have discovered, nurtured and became an entrepreneurial artist. They shared their mediums and techniques so we could understand about what their artistic process is. In addition, the artists shared how this past year's pandemic has impacted business and how it has shaped their own lives and artistic creations. This was a truly incredible opportunity to hear from such good-hearted and talented individuals and we are excited to share with you the recorded event below!
GEW Native Artists Panel Video Recordings: